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Avrok procures fresh leukopaks that are processed  the same day as collection. All collections and sample processing occur in the Los Angeles region. 


Why Avrok for Leukopaks?




Leave the hassle to Avrok. Using our optimized protocols, we can create any number of aliquots and prepare them for on-site cryopreservation.

On-site Analysis


Data Generation

Choose from over 7 on-site technologies for post-collection analysis. Click here to see a full list of biomarker services and equipment.


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Aliquot Storage

Avrok will store created aliquots at our on-site biobank. All clients are provided a link for real-time access to stored samples & associated data.

Get A Response The Same Day

How It Works

Once a donor availability assessment request is submitted, a series of next steps will take place as outlined below: 


Donor Assessment

Quickly assess if Avrok has access to donors within the Los Angeles region. 


Determine Leukopak Isolate

Select the type of leukopak isolate and aliquot size that you would like produced per each leukopak collected.


Decide on Data Generation

Inform us of the specific data you would like to be generated for each donor.


Receive Samples & Data

The sample will be carefully retrieved from storage and shipped securely using the services of World Courier.
Get Started

Explore Donor Availability

Determine if donors matching your specific condition and criteria are available. Conditions categories for access include: 

  • Autoimmune 
  • Allergies & Asthma
  • Infectious Disease 
  • Healthy Controls
  • Rare Disease
  • Oncology

Rapid Assessment

Avrok will perform a feasibility review of your desired donor criteria and provide a response on donor availability.

Choose Donors Based On...



Over 30+ conditions to choose from. Examples include Crohn's, Colitis, SLE, and Rheumatoid Arthritis.

HLA Type

Avrok will screen patients based either a single allele, or entire 11 loci HLA type.

Inclusion Criteria

Be specific about the donors you need, criteria can include demographics, medications,  comorbidities, etc.